Wednesday, November 01, 2006

More Pumpkin Pics!!!

So, I managed to get these pictures sooner than I thought I would. Once again, to reiterate, my FHE group and I carved pumpkins for our activity about a week ago. Up on top, we have a picture of Darcy (left) and Jenny with their pumpkin featuring Strong Sad from Homestar Runner fame. Next is Darcy and my roommate Ben, with their pumpkin who clearly is not feeling well. Ben and I share a room. He's a great guy, teaches at the MTC and works at the temple once a week. Under them is Ryan, who carved his alone, so Jenny jumped in the picture with him. Ryan is awesome, we were in DC together. As you can see, the next photo is of yours truly with Jenny, who is holding the pumpkin that we carved together. And last but not least is Charlie and Dave with their pumpkin featuring the Homestar Runner himself. It was a great FHE.


Michelle said...

Weatherman pretty much ruled. (If I don't say so myself.)

Mike said...

Well, I actually didn't dress up, because I didn't go anywhere, other than the library to pass out candy. Meggie was dressed up, but I wasn't.