Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Shaved Ice, Mitt Romney, and the Cat That Wore Overalls: a 4th of July to Remember

I could have sworn I already posted these photos, but I guess my brain is more fried than I realized. So here they are.

Gabby loves shaved ice. I don't think anyone who was there can deny it.

Sharing shaved ice.

It pays to be in the right place at the right time. (By the way, did you know that Mitt Romney is going to be speaking in that tent over there at 6:00? I wasn't sure if anyone told you that yet.)

Gizmo the cat: truly one of the most frightening phenomenon I have ever encountered.

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Anonymous said...

Michelle...thankks for being the upstanding blogger of the family!!! By the way, I just have to say that I love Gizmo...er... that is probably, like the CREEPIEST thing ever!!!! Everyone can thank me that we actually have proof that people are so weird! Nicole

Steve said...

Wait, Mitt Romney was speaking? Where? What time? You'd think they'd ADVERTISE something like that! Sheesh!

Steve said...

P.S. Who took that picture of Mitt. What a photographer.