Sunday, October 19, 2008

Jax and Gabby at Nicole's Wedding.

Nicole's wedding was a wonderful occasion. Jaxton and Gabby really enjoyed themselves. We went to Hamiltons for the wedding 'luncheon / family reception'.

The Cake.

These are cute kids.

Gabby 'a 'pincess' mommy.. a 'pincess'.

Gabby and bubbles.

Dancing at the 'ball'. Cute kids.

Jax, hamming it up.

Gabby and 'Gampa'.

Jax is the LAST kid who would need a
'Don Juan' disguise.

The Bride, Nicole.

The Bouquet.


Denisondays said...

It was so nice to see all of you at the wedding!! I really enjoyed it!

Nicole said...

Those are really cute pictures! I'm telling you this with all the love in my spelled my name wrong. There's no "H" in Nicole. LOL.

Shar Chavira said...

The wedding was amazing. You looked BEAUTIFUL NICHOLE!!! HA! JK. NICOLE!! Everything was just perfect. It was wonderful to see everyone! Luv ya!