Friday, November 17, 2006

Jax and Gabby

Jaxton and his new favorite past time. He has figured out how to use the computer so well. It is crazy. I can't believe how old he is getting.
Chillin' in her bathrobe. Donna gave her this and I thought she looked so cute in it.

I couldn't resist putting this picture on the blog. It is a little yellow, but she looked so cute in this outfit yesterday. Can you believe it is from wal-mart?
Gabby loves laying on this play gym and staring at the toys hanging on it. She looks like she is just dying to grab the toys but can't yet figure it out.


Kessee said...

Sorry some of the pictures are blurry. My camera is having issues.

Michelle said...

Cute! She looks so cute in that bathrobe!

Nicole said...

I think you have the cutest grandkids....three perfect kids in this world. Must be descendants of Barbara!