Monday, November 20, 2006

Some photos from the past...

So I recently received these pictures from my friend Alyssa, and decided I should make good use of them. They're pictures of the Provo BC team. You can see in the first one how cute we all are. Front row l to r is Jon, Micah, Heather, Jen, Trent, me, Kat, Troy, and Brandon. In back is Melissa, Chelsea, Rich, Alyssa, and Scott. Of course, we can't be this cute without a lot of effort. That's where the picture below comes in.
We all need our proper beauty rest. This is what we do at night when the kids are sleeping. This is a slightly different group, but fun nonetheless. I think we'll go clockwise, starting with the bottom left: Rich, Alycesun, Jade, Mindy, Me, Katey, Trent, Jamie, Kevin, Emily, Mark. That's the first circle. Second one starts with an unidentified Health Counselor, Brooke, Ashley, Alyssa and Kat in the middle. Aren't we pretty?

1 comment:

Kessee said...

Scary...but fun too. Looks like EFY is a blast for the conselors too.