Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Arizona for Anneliesa's birthday!!!

I went to Arizona with Aileen for Anneliesa's 30th birthday. She had a double quinceneria(sp??). About 100 people came. It was so fun! We had a dancing, a pinata, DDR, pastries from the Mexican market, a dollar dance(we made the guys give her valentines instead of actual money) and much more. It was such a fun trip and the weather was amazing!
The band that sang to her for her birthday at the worst Mexican restaurant I've ever been to. But they were really good. It was the highlight of dinner.
Old roommates from Provo together again.
My old friend, Heather from Provo and I jamming out at the quinceneria. Just an everyday siruation.
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1 comment:

Michelle said...

I am totally having a mariachi band at my next birthday party.