Sunday, August 10, 2008


So we found out on the 4th of July that Megan is an expert candy catcher. She was by far the most interested and motivated kid there when it came to getting candy. She also managed to get a couple of otter pops and a t-shirt. Way to go, Megan!

With her big bag of loot. She's not sunburned, just red in the face from running after all that candy. Now I know you are all wondering how long it takes to eat this much salt water taffy. The answer is that we may never know. The majority of it sat in the bag on the counter until earlier this week when I finally threw it out. I guess the thrill of the chase really is the best part.

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1 comment:

Tara and Dan said...

WHAT??!! I totally would have eaten the candy you tossed out :).

Catching candy at parades as a kid is one of my favorite memories. Of course, anything involving candy pretty much made it into my memory vault...